This training is designed to certify you in Job Coaching for Supported Employment.
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services is excited to announce FREE Job Coach Certification Training. Eligible trainees are individuals working for an Arkansas Rehabilitation Services Certified Supported Employment Vendor or partners with the Promise Grant through U of A.
Here are some recommendations:
- Create an account at and keep your password handy.
- Prior to watching the webinars, trainees should download the Job Coach Certification manual for review. The manual and the webinar combined are essential for passing the test.
- A passing grade is 80%. The test taking is restricted to two times. If trainees do not pass the first time, please review the wrong answers before the second attempt.
Upon completion of the test, the trainee should email and cc stating they have completed the test and include their name, vendor name if applicable, address and phone number. ARS will use this information to verify the online test and to send a certificate. If a trainee needs closed captioning, click the cc on the bottom right hand corner.
If you have any concerns or IT issues related to login or test taking, please contact