Personnel Item Submission
Please remember that you may send photos of things like your driver’s license to us at 501-529-1353.
Of course, we must be able to read the information so make sure your scanned docuemnts or pictures of your driver’s license, health card, or whatever are legible.
The only personnel items we cannot accept in this manner are those that require an original signature (like when you update your child abuse registry check, adult abuse registry check, and DDS State Police). There are also the FBI and Foster Care State Police which require you to take them to the State Police and complete in person.
We hope that this option will save you some time and expense in making a special trip to the office to turn in such items.
Important Changes in Mileage Policy and Procedure
Mileage must be turned in weekly with casenotes now and late mileage will not be accepted or processed for billing and/or payment.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.