The waiver care services program has changed lives. Because of the program’s effectiveness, many have become eager to learn more about it. Although there are many important things to know about what it offers, these four questions help provide a clearer picture of how you can benefit from it.
1. What exactly is the waiver care services program?
In-home waiver care or community services provide intellectually and developmentally disabled children and adults with services that can help them flourish and lead happy, healthy, successful lives.
A specialized support system of resource team members are those who provide the care and help make real improvements in the lives of these individuals. Many who have been through the waiver care service program have made huge strides in their personal lives, gained confidence, independence, and have had the quality of their lives improved drastically.
The State of Arkansas provides a network of support for Arkansans with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities. Arkansas’ Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) coordinates these services and administers the Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver Program.
Through Medicaid, the joint federal-state program, health coverage is provided to certain categories of low-asset individuals who would otherwise could not afford to be hospitalized. A Medicaid waiver allows the government to ignore rules that typically apply to the Medicaid program, and expand coverage and improve care for these groups who would otherwise not have coverage or be in an institution, nursing home or hospital.
Medicaid offers “waiver” care services, which include in-home and community-based services (HCBS) to meet the needs of people who prefer to get long-term care services and supports in their home or community, rather than in an institutional setting.
2. Who benefits from these services?
The waiver care program in Little Rock may extend to children and adults, pregnant women, those with disabilities, elderly that need nursing home coverage, and families of those eligible for services. This includes individuals with autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, or HIV/AIDS.
3. How can my loved one qualify for waiver care services?
Individuals must go through an application process to determine if they qualify for the different waiver care services. To become eligible, individuals have to demonstrate that they need a level of care that would otherwise have them in an institutional setting. This will require a diagnosis from a doctor to confirm the disability and level of care required.
You must fill out the waiver care application form with all supporting documentation and send it to the DHS. If deemed eligible, the individual will be assigned a case manager, provider, and care coordinator to assist in developing an individualized plan.
The State of Arkansas can establish additional criteria of age or diagnosis to meet the needs of level of care of a group that needs to be served. The State can also decide the maximum number of people that will receive services.
4. What is included in these benefits?
Arkansas offers a variety of unlimited services under the waiver program. Services can be medical or non-medical. Waiver care in-home or community service may include but are not limited to assistance with a variety of skills development, respite care, supportive living, assigning a home health aide, non-medical transportation, and other related medical supports for the individual or their caregiver, like adaptive equipment or specialized medical supplies.
For more information
If you would benefit from these services, then contact Integrity, Inc. today at 501-406-0442 to speak with a professional.
Integrity is a non-profit family support agency that provides developmental treatment clinic services in Little Rock, Arkansas. We assist families with children with developmental disabilities. We can also help you to get the support or services you need to stay well, active, and a part of the community right here in your area.
We look forward to hearing from you!