If you have a disability, hidden or visible, you can be supported in finding the right job to fit your skill set and interests. Here are five tips for finding a job and how Integrity, Inc. can help you do it.
Create a Support Plan
From setting personal goals to arranging prevocational training, Integrity, Inc. will help you create a customized support plan for job hunting. This involves getting to know you, your goals, and what kind of job you’d like to have.
In the world of recruitment, some people can be transfixed by the numbers and overlook the talents and characteristics of job seekers as individuals. The staff at Integrity, Inc. see you as you are — a unique individual with unique talents — and develops a support plan to highlight what you bring to the job and the company.
Tips for Finding Jobs for People with Disabilities in Little Rock
1. Identify your skills.
The first step is identifying what skills you have. This might include being a good communicator, being good with computers, being able to speak a second language, or having good organizational skills. These are marketable attributes and will help you build a resume for the job you want.
2. Research job placement organizations.
For placement in special needs jobs in Little Rock and the surrounding area, you should look no further than Integrity, Inc. Our success stories speak to our strong record of job placement and how we can help you become a confident, productive employee while living as independently as possible.
3. Look for the right company.
This involves finding employers with an Employment First policy. This policy means that, first and foremost, a company believes in workplace equality and diversity. Many people with disabilities feel as if they must prove themselves more than others, and an Employment First policy removes this illusion entirely by attempting to integrate people with disabilities seamlessly into the normal workforce.
4. Build your confidence.
The key to building confidence in the job market is believing you can actually do the job and no one can do it better than you. It’s believing you are the right person for the job and more than capable of showing it every day.
Remember too that many workplaces accommodate those with disabilities. If you’re worried about a part of the job, see if adjustments are possible to help you do that part more effectively. This form of reassurance can give you a much-needed confidence boost while at work and can help you see yourself in a more positive way.
5. Take small, achievable steps.
If you have not worked in a long time, or at all, you might feel overwhelmed by the process of entering the workplace. This is a normal feeling; do not let it discourage you. Job applications, interviews, inductions, and training can be a lot to take on after a period of unemployment. Do not let this stop you from finding work because it is a necessary part of the process.
If you feel nervous, break your process into small steps. One step might be doing a ten-minute job search each morning. The next might be writing a resume. The third might be submitting your resume to three different companies per week. Integrity, Inc. can help customize tasks into smaller, more achievable steps.
For More Information
Having a disability doesn’t mean you cannot transition successfully into the workforce! At Integrity Inc., we help find jobs for people with disabilities and treatment for intellectual and developmental disabilities in Little Rock. If you are not sure where to begin, we are an excellent place to start!
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, look for inspiration, and find positive opportunities in every job search. If you or someone you know is ready to start a job search, Integrity, Inc. is ready to help every step of the way. Contact us today at (501) 406-0442 to get started!